Why ? The material handler did not check the material as frequently as he should have Why ? The dryer ran low on material which resulted in light splay Why ? It was a new defect that had never been seen on this part Why? The operator did not catch the mistake Problem: 32 bad pieces were packed that had splay on the parts The “5 Why” system is an effective method for getting to the root cause of failures and developing solutions. Human Error: As mistakes happen, review the fault for ways to eliminate failures from happening again.Work instructions should be written in the simplest form possible with detailed explanations of all required information.
Pictures are a great tool that allows visual explanations of various components. Great care should be put into providing all personnel responsible for the various tasks a job requires with very complete and concise directives.
Work instructions: Operational instructions are a vitally important tool once the work pattern has been established.
Evaluate methods and/ or tools to improve the workflow of the station. As you are developing work instructions, look for areas of the job that require frequent twisting, bending and turning. Workplace injuries drive insurance costs, which inevitably reduce the overall profitability of every project on the floor.
Ergonomics: It is easy to overlook the importance of this category to the overall profitability of a company. Track scrap data to identify what defects are most common and then look for solutions through mold modification, process change, etc to eliminate or significantly reduce the defect. Be sure that they have been fully trained regarding what defects they are looking for, and whenever possible show them what area on the part the defect might normally be found. There are circumstances though where depending on an operator is necessary. Defects: It is important to note that quality should be molded in and not sorted. Listen to their concerns and suggestions for areas of improvement and provide with them with the tools they need that best fit the scope of what needs to be accomplished thoroughly and quickly. These are the people who day in and day out have their hands on the product being produced. Tools : As continuous improvement efforts intensify, it is important to listen to the workers who are most involved with the production end. It is important to remember that the more labor intensive a job becomes, the end result could be increased quality problems directly related to human error. Inspection, part preparation and packaging should flow smoothly allowing the operator both comfort and ample inspection time. Area layout should be designed to maximize operator efficiency and great care should be taken to assure that waste-of-motion has been eliminated. Make sure the area is well lit and mark locations for tables, tools, scrap bin, etc. An evaluation must be made as to what steps need to be taken to provide the customer with a top quality part every time. Work area: Engineering does not end when parts have been removed from the mold. Here are some of the primary points to consider when evaluating labor as an area for improvement: There are many areas in which personnel affect consistency and repeatability within a plastics operation as it evolves. Labor is one of the most critical contributors to the success or failure of any production development. This article outlines these principles and suggests ways to use them for the evolution of a company’s production capabilities. The “5 M’s of Molding” make up the solid foundation upon which a company develops a successful molding operation. There are 5 key components that must not only be reviewed during engineering’s development of each work system, but also as the job matures through continuous improvement. This helps to prevent costly down time and scrap directly related to poor set up, and will assure bad product does not reach the customer. When a job is turned over from engineering to production, all facets of the production line need to be in stable working order. One of the key requirements for profitable continuous improvement is starting out with a solid base to build on. The company then develops and implements improvements, approaches and/or corrections to further that could potentially include the purchase of specialized tools or equipment to better equip personnel. The overall success or failure of each individual operation hinges upon effective review of inconsistencies and system failures.
In any continuous improvement-minded facility, there is always a need for repeated analysis of each job being ran. As a plastics operation evolves there are numerous situations that arise affecting efficiencies, productivity and scrap.